RE420 USB Bluetooth Dongle

The USB Bluetooth Dongle is a quick and inexpensive means to add Bluetooth Wireless communication to your personal computer. Simply plug in the USB Bluetooth Dongle adapter and connect to almost any Bluetooth enabled device or accessory such as a mouse, keyboard, smartphone, tablet, presenter, printer, or headset. You can also download and send emails, browse the Internet, back up files, and transfer videos, pictures and just about any other files you can imagine.
RE420 USB Bluetooth Dongle
The USB Bluetooth Dongle is a quick and inexpensive means to add Bluetooth Wireless communication to your personal computer. Simply plug in the USB Bluetooth Dongle adapter and connect to almost any Bluetooth enabled device or accessory such as a mouse, keyboard, smartphone, tablet, presenter, printer, or headset. You can also download and send emails, browse the Internet, back up files, and transfer videos, pictures and just about any other files you can imagine.
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